Independent Media Productions (IMP) was created to ensure natural, historical and cultural sites are available to future generations, while making them accessible today. Partnering with CyArk, IMP operates internationally using new technologies to digitally preserve history before it is lost to natural disasters, destroyed by development or ravaged by the passage of time.
For more information or to discuss a project, please contact us at
Watch the Measuring Redwood Giants video.
Click here: Measuring Redwood Giants
Featuring: Professor Stephen C. Sillett, Humboldt State University Department of Forestry & Wildland Resources
President Tree: 3,200 years old
Photo for National Geographic Magazine, taken by Michael (Nick) Nichols with Jim Campbell-Spickler’s Spider-Cine system. Consists of a camera platform with Gyroscopics and a pulley-cable system allowing the camera to be moved vertically and horizontally
Independent Media Productions uses cutting-edge laser technology to capture detailed 3D representations by bouncing laser light off
the surfaces. 3D scanners measure millions of points a second, accurate to a few millimeters to create a 3D data set, or point cloud.
Colors represent the intensity of reflection from the surface.
The 3D model generated from the point cloud is then colored using photographs taken of the surface of the structure. The result is a photo-real 3D model which can be used to further study the monument, natural or man-made, and used for conservation and education.
During 5 days in the field the team captured a half a billion digital points with the High Definition Laser Scanner. These incredibly accurate scans have a 0.001-0.010m density at 100m. The point clouds are then photo textured with external HDR panoramic imagery from a DSLR.
Aerial LIDAR is a surveying technology that measures distance by illuminating a target with a laser light and is used to identify the tallest trees in the forest. Lidar is an acronym of Light Detection And Ranging.